United Reptiles - Prehistoric World Today

Akadama Bonzai Soil 1-3mm 14L

Great water retention properties and promotes excellent drainage
Neutral PH has alkalizing properties and inhibits soil acidification
Maintains almost perfect moisture retention for plants and bonsai trees
Enhances and extends fertilizers efficacy
Retains nutrients for roots
Excellent for root aeration
Promotes (CEC) Cation Exchange Capacity
Remains structurally stable after long periods inhibits soil compaction
Akadama colour darkens when moist and lightens when dry, which helps set water schedules
Availability: 9 in stock
Delivery date: 5 to 7 working days
R 539.90

Why Akadama Soil?

Stable pH for up to 3 years

Using a product like Akadama Soil lowers the pH of your aquarium and keeps it constant without having a severe effect on your KH, GH and TDS. This creates a much better and safer environment for your shrimp if you only change one water parameter and it keeps it there for as long as 3 years.

Lowers pH

Akadama can also be used for Discus and many other fish that require a lower pH. The more Akadama you add the lower your pH will be. For neocaridina shrimp a 250ml cup of akadama should be enough to drop your pH as far 0.2 – 1 on the pH scale. For caridina shrimp a 2cm layer of substrate will be sufficient to give you a desired pH of between 6 and 7. It is important to always measure the pH a week after you have added substrate to your tank or aquarium.

Its natural

One of the best things about akadama is that it’s a natural product and does not leach anything into the water.

It basically just changes your pH, making it by far the safest product to use. You do get other aquarium substrates that you can use, but akadama is by far the cheapest and safest option for any new or experienced person in the hobby.

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