United Reptiles - Prehistoric World Today

Aquarium bio filter media ceramic tube

Availability: In stock
Delivery date: 3-5 working days
R 25.90
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Great For All Types Of Fry (Newborn Fish) Provide any newborn fish the exacting nutritional balance they require dring the earliest developmental stages of their life.
R 36.31

Bubble Wall Air Stone Bar Tube - 6 Sizes

Material: durable hard plastic and soft rubber
Perfect for your fish tank or aquarium, and it is the best partner for air pump.
Instantly create a great deal of tiny bubbles that your fish will love.
The tube can be cut with a razor blade to be shorten.
Additional bubble walls can be jointed with the enclosed connector
Come with 2 rubber suction cups to produce enormous power to stick to glass surface firmly.
Need to use a pin or needle to puncture for as many small holes as needed before using.
R 36.90