They are also quiet, unlike crickets, and tropical environmental requirements reduce the likelihood of establishment of escapees in colder, dryer climates. B. dubia can cause allergic reactions in humans, although they produce relatively little odor compared to many cockroaches.
A study found other cockroaches (Turkestan ("red runner") cockroaches, Madagascar hissing cockroaches,) provided a high-protein, low fat nutrition composition similar to crickets, more so than mealworms or superworm larvae provide.The gut contents of the cockroach, depending on its diet, may provide essential nutrients unavailable from a cockroach with an empty gut. Vitamin and mineral content in studied cockroaches was well represented except for low calcium:phosphorus ratios typical in cockroaches, and relatively low vitamin A and E in captive cockroaches. Supplementation of these nutrients in feeder cockroaches may be advisable.