United Reptiles - Prehistoric World Today

Ludwigia sp. ‘Rubin’

As one of the reddest of the red plants, Ludwigia sp. ‘Rubin’ is quite an eye catcher. Even a few stems make a big impact as either a neatly maintained mid ground stand or as a group of stems protruding from behind a differently colored plant in the background. It makes a great contrast to either light or dark green plants. The ‘Rubin’ variety is very easy to grow and has no particular demands. It grows quickly and equally well in a wide variety of conditions. Unfortunately, maintaining its deep red coloration is somewhat more of a challenge. Strong lighting with a good supply of iron go a long way towards that goal.
SKU: S-09
Delivery date: 5 to 7 working days

Planting Instructions:
1. Remove the label
2. Remove the rock wool together with the plant from the net pot
3. Remove the rock wool from the root system , take care not to break or tear the larger roots while doing this
4. Plant the stems using tweezers into the substrate
Transitioning process – emersed to submersed growth in your aquarium
• Provide good water conditions for your plants
• Dose a respectable aquatic fertilizer for your plants , follow the instructions from the manufacturer
• Provide the correct lighting spectrum , based on the plants needs
• Prune dead leaves and stems constantly
• A Co2 system is a good addition into your aquarium for the plants to flourish
• Conduct 20-30% water changed once a week to ensure good water conditions
• Patience is key for the transition to take place

In a few days, after placing your plants in the aquarium you will notice some of the leaves start to melt and fall away.
This means the transition process has started. Please note the plants might look DEAD, but they are fully alive, so do not panic. After a few days you will notice new growth will appear and the plant will fully change its form into submersed growth. Continuous trimming and fertilization is needed for the plants to thrive in your aquarium. All plants have specific needs but if you follow the general instructions on our labels the plant will transition well and will eventually succeed and prosper in your aquarium.

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