United Reptiles - Prehistoric World Today

NP Reptile Heat Cable - Various sizes

Waterproof, double silicone sheathed heating cable for dry terrariums. Ideal soil heat for eg reptiles and amphibians.
Heating cable 3M
Heating cable 4.5M
Heating cable 6M
Heating cable 8M
Heating cable 9M
Availability: In stock
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A beautiful, two-color African hardwood for aquariums or terrariums.
One of the hardest and densest woods available;
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NP Double disc wet thermometer

Size: 15.5 x 7.5 x 1.5cm
Reserve suspension hole for fast installation.
Dual dials, read number clearly.
No batteries, all by mechanical sensing.
This dual dials hygrometer and thermometer is easy to read. Can be placed in the breeding box, can also be hanging on the wall, do not occupy the activity space of reptiles.
Mechanical induction, do not need batteries, give reptiles a quiet living environment.