United Reptiles - Prehistoric World Today

Shrimp Nets - 3 Styles

Availability: In stock
Delivery date: 5 to 7 working days
R 99.90
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Mopani Drift Wood per Kg

Sold by weight not by size.
A beautiful, two-color African hardwood for aquariums or terrariums.
One of the hardest and densest woods available;
sinks immediately in aquariums and unlike driftwood, will not rot! All natural wood leaches tannins, which discolor water and reduce pH levels.
R 99.90

Spider Wood per Kg

Spider Wood is considered a softwood due to the fact that it remains evergreen during its lifetime. This leads to a fast-growing plant that will result in material that's lighter than many other types of driftwood.
In some parts of the world, this wood is simply referred to as Rhododendron roots due to its origin.
Various size groups to select from,Due to the nature of the product, natural variation and size is expected. Images for illustration only and not the actual product you are buying.
R 65.00

Biochemical Sponge Filter

Before use, soak the Bio-foam in aquarium water for 5 mins.
During maintenance, always rinse the Bio-foam with drained out aquarium water only.
No tap water or hot water should be used at all.
When re-using the Bio-foam, do squeeze the foam in the water to remove all trapped air bubbles.
This will keep the filter stay submerged.
Suggest replacing the bio-foam every 6 months, to ensure the filtering effect as well as the growth of the nitrifying bacteria
R 29.90

Bonsai Tree Aquarium Driftwood

Bonsai driftwoods are handcrafted by our skilled artists.
Created from treated driftwood native to South East Asia, then sculpted and treated driftwood make a beautiful accessory for aquascaping, terrariums and paludariums.
R 339.90